The Crucial Entrepreneurial Mindset Needed To Succeed.
Entrepreneurs are critical thinking creators, change makers and innovators that create jobs and change society for the better.
"You Either Want To Work Hard Or You Don't"
I will never forget an experience I had 20 years ago before I started jewelry making. Right before actually. I had just finished 4 years of college.
Accessing Your Creative Genius
I spent the last two days at the Colorado Creative Industries Summit here in Crested Butte networking and marketing the jewelry school
Money As Frequency & Financial Literacy
Money is a neutral energetic frequency. It isn’t good or bad in itself. It is a fluid, flowing current of energy. The beliefs we learn clog our connection to this current.
Build A Brand With YOU As The Foundation.
No matter what business model you use or how it’s built, you are the foundation of your creative enterprise. You are the face of your brand.
Visibility In Business Takes Courage & Self-Confidence
Visibility in business starts with how you feel about yourself. It’s about having unbreakable confidence in who you are and how you show up.
Sell With Authenticity + An Expanded Vision
I’ll never forget the first time I sold a piece of my own work. I didn’t even mean to. It wasn’t for sale until a stranger asked me if they could buy it.
Human Potential & The Strive For Greatness
In my strive for greatness I put myself on ‘up-level overdrive’ for many years. I did it because I wanted to win at life. So I built businesses. Several of them.
Create Time Freedom With A Lifestyle Business
If you’ve ever spoken to an entrepreneur, you know that our road to success is never an easy, straightforward one. It is full of spectacular highs and fierce lows.
Build Wealth With Precious Metals & Bitcoin.
Metal isn't just a material for jewelry design. It's also a form of currency that can help you build wealth, protect your dollars, hedge against inflation, and build savings.
How Metalsmithing Changes Your Entire Life!
Metalsmithing isn’t only an art or a skill. It’s the beginning of a long, creative, and fulfilling road that takes us to who we will be and all we do in the future.