Build A Brand With YOU As The Foundation.

Building a brand can seem overwhelming and oftentimes it’s hard to know where to start or what to work on. There are so many aspects to consider— marketing, strategy, messaging, sales, websites, content creation, email marketing (so important), product development, client fulfillment and even more.

The key is to not look so hard at the overall picture but start focusing on the foundation AND— focus on the journey, not the destination.

You are the foundation.

No matter what business model you use or how it’s built, you are the foundation of your creative enterprise. You are the face of your brand.

This requires having a solid awareness of who you are and who you want to become. Why?

  • Because when you know who you are, you acquire unshakable confidence.

  • Because it’s not about having the successful brand. It’s about who you are now AND as the person with the successful brand.

It’s not about achieving the outcome. It’s about how you FEEL already there.

How will you know what it will feel like? Well, you get to make it up! Decide how you want to feel and who you want to BE. Decide what your life gets to be like when you’re there and then call in those truths now.

This means stepping into the energy of the result you desire.

What I mean is this— years ago I was incredibly insecure and wanted to feel grounded, poised, wealthy and brilliant. So I would close my eyes and call in those feelings. If I didn’t know what it felt like, I would find someone that did and emulate their vibe.

Maybe this sounds odd to you, but I personally didn’t understand many things about life or have examples shown to me. I didn’t know what it felt like to have money and abundance or what a successful relationship looked and felt like. So I had to figure it out on my own.

Many of my clients also tell me they don’t know what the results they want look or feel like because they’ve never felt that before or had it shown to them.

I direct them to find an example in someone who does live from the place they desire.

Here’s an example: Years ago I was watching an episode of Marie Forleo TV and she was interviewing a successful woman. I don’t remember what she did or even her name. I only remember that I became mesmerized by her vibe. She was so relaxed into herself—which I thought was sexy as hell—completely connected with who she was, crazy cool and confident.

I instantly wanted to BE just like her…and I mean feel like that on the inside.

So I did and I did it by emulating those vibes until they became my own. I did this by practicing gratitude, dropping into those energies and making them a part of me. It took time but I am the grounded, poised, wealth building and brilliant woman I wanted to be. (Luckily science and innovation now make this transformation happen in far less time)

What does this have to do with building a brand? Well as I said, you are the face of your brand. It’s what you know to be true in the world, your values, voice + message, your expertise + knowledge, your insights + creativity. It’s who you are.

This is how you to start building a brand. And then you position it in front of the people who want what you have. It doesn’t matter if it is jewelry or high level consulting.

Build your brand from this place. It will evolve as you evolve from who you are to who you want to be and as it does you will rebrand. I’ve rebranded my businesses many times over the years.

Know who you are. Know who you want to become.

Now that you know these truths, it’s important to detach from the outcome and focus on the journey.

Enjoy every moment. Envision the dream, yes, but don’t focus on it so much that it takes you from the present. Because I can tell you from personal experience that desperately wanting the outcome will make you chase the dream, chase the goal and when you apply this kind of energy to it, it stays just out of reach—like being on a hamster wheel.

This is not relaxed.

Once I understood this and shifted my ‘chasing energy,’ so much changed. The things I was chasing—like money—showed up effortlessly.

Working with a mentor helped me achieve this level of self awareness.

Working with a mentor changed my entire experience of brand creation and doing business. I spent years on end trying to do it all on my own and piecing it all together. When I found my mentor, my confidence and income exploded. My knowledge and brilliance grew to new heights.

My drive and ambition were reignited the very first time I spoke with my mentor 6 years ago. I still work with her to this day and she is on the other side of the world from me. She saw me in a way no one else did. She saw my brilliance and potential to accomplish greatness.

Sometimes I had the money to work with her and sometimes I didn’t, but that didn’t stop me. I just kept going. I kept working and investing because I knew who I wanted to BECOME.

She once told me I was the bravest person she ever met. And guess what—because being brave is who I am, it’s now a part of my brand:

Mentors introduce us to concepts we otherwise wouldn’t know about. Concepts like descension business models where you start at the top of the game or industry and make the money there and then descend into other revenue streams, offers, passive income, and commercialization. (P.s you can’t this Google this!)

Now this is how I do business, and how I teach it. Don’t think because you are just starting out that you can’t do business this same way. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have.

Find someone who sees you and your potential and can show you a different way of doing big things.

Finally, understand financial literacy and build wealth with sound money. A strong brand foundation is built on stability, knowledge and an understanding of money as well as how the global financial system works.

If you take the time to learn, you will never go out of business. You will always make money, build wealth and protect yourself and your brand from economic downturns.

I wrote about how to do just this in “How To Build Wealth With Metal & Bitcoin.” (I’ve also partnered with a brilliant wealth builder and we will be launching a course soon on what steps you can take and exactly how to take them on your wealth building journey.)

I can’t stress how important this is. I give you information and resources in the above newsletter. It’s up to you what to do with it.

Im here to support you. I’d like to invite you to visit my personal brand where you can achieve the highest level of human potential, creative enterprise, personal success, and luxe lifestyle ever dreamed with me as your guide and mentor.

There are videos, thought pieces, masterclasses, and more available to help you. You can visit them here.

My personal truths to brand foundation:

  1. You are the foundation. Have a solid awareness of who you are and who you want to become.

  2. Detach from the outcome. Focus on the journey. Enjoy every moment.

  3. Work with mentors that have gone before you. Mentors will share smart things with you like descension models.

  4. Use descension models where the big money is at the top. It will save you years of time, energy and money.

  5. Understand financial literacy and build wealth with sound money. You will never go out of business.

I hope you have enjoyed this week’s newsletter and that is has inspired you to build your brand with you as the foundation.

You can read more of my newsletters right here.

xx Meaghan


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Jewelry Business School

Who Is Meaghan Young?

I am a Jeweler, Instructor & Business Educator obsessed with actualizing human potential, luxe lifestyle design, time freedom and wealth building.


Discounts On Tools & Metal

Our partnership with Rio Grande extends to you in order to help you get started as a jewelry maker and metalsmith.

Metalsmithing Retreats

Change your entire life in these week long inspiring, motivational and up-leveling retreats.

$27 Pricing Course

End the struggle to price your work accurately while leaving money on the table that could be profit. This priceless course saves years of time trying to get it right.

6 Figure Business Model For Jewelry Designers

This webinar shows all of the revenue streams available to designers to create a thriving, time freedom business model.


Money As Frequency & Financial Literacy


Visibility In Business Takes Courage & Self-Confidence