Accessing Your Creative Genius

I spent the last two days at the Colorado Creative Industries Summit here in Crested Butte networking and marketing the jewelry school and my personal consulting business.

At one point I left my table and snuck into the theater to listen to one of the presenters and I heard the most fascinating thing. The talk was on aging and how our creative genius is diminished as we get older.

The speaker shared a study that was conducted. It was a creative genius study on 5 year olds and on older adults. The results were that 98% of 5 year olds tested positive for creative genius while only 5% of older adults tested positive.

On one hand I was shocked at this statistic. On the other, I wasn’t surprised at all.

You see, as children we are more free, less encumbered by life, more playful, more creative, and we haven’t had life experiences yet that change our perceptions of ourselves, about life and about others.

Parents, teachers, friends, institutions and society all take us out of our original creative design and slowly—or quickly depending on trauma events—our neural pathways change and light up differently. We stop using parts of our brain that we used to use. We stop tapping into our creativity. We stop believing in ourselves.

And what I mean here is not simply being an artist. Creative genius is far more than this. It represents our brilliance, our capacity to solve problems, innovate and create solutions for ourselves and for others. This could be in any area of life—business, artistry, dance, writing, scientific innovation—the list is endless.

It is the power of our mind using the brain to DESIGN ITSELF. Yes, our mind designs itself. Fascinating right?

I wrote about this before in my newsletter, “Human Potential & The Strive For Greatness.” (I highly suggest reading)

But when the brain is altered by life events, people and trauma, the brain stops thriving, which means the mind can’t thrive. And worst case scenario, we become hopeless.

All it takes is for one teacher or family member to crush our dream or self-esteem and we see ourselves and life differently. We lose trust in life and other people. We don’t believe we can accomplish our dreams.

Many of us give up or settle for a life of mediocrity—not because we don’t want the dream, but because we no longer know how to get there. We no longer have the brain power or belief in ourselves to get back to our intended design as creative geniuses.

What a horrible travesty—right!?

This happened to me.

And this is why I dedicate my life now to helping others actualize the highest levels of their human potential. It’s why I never gave up on myself, never gave in to a reality that this is the only way life can be experienced. I knew there was another way of experiencing life.

I knew it so deeply that it is what drove me forward. It was like a promise I knew was there for me. A promise of MORE.

It really all started when I got into business. Because professional development forces us to look at ourselves and our shortcomings. It forces us to face our fear, how we perceive ourselves, life and others. It goes hand in hand with personal development.

I learned that creative genius CAN be found again. It can be stimulated, reignited, and LIT UP.

After years of working on myself and business, I realized like an epiphany blowing up my mind—I AM BRILLIANT. I AM A CREATIVE GENIUS.

It took 40 years to get there, but it happened. And now I’m here to show you the way to your brilliance, and with the help of mind blowing scientific and creative innovation, it no longer takes 40 mother loving years.

It happens quickly.

No more therapy. No more thinking, “There’s something wrong with me,” or “I can’t access my greatness,” or “I’ll never accomplish my dreams.”

No more fear drowning our dreams. No more skewed perception of life, ourselves or others. No more anxiety or depression.

We just get to BE who we were meant to be—creative geniuses—healed, whole and complete contributors, creators, artists and life changers. Yes we can all change someone’s life for the better.

So do you want to become a statistic with only a 5% capacity for brilliance and creative genius by the end of your life?

Or do you want the promise, the one where you decide how life works for you, how you see yourself, what happens in your life?

I know what I choose—my pure, original and creative genius design.

I hope you do too because the world needs leaders, warriors, and change makers. And what better way to change the world then to start with yourself!

xx Meaghan


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Jewelry Business School

Remember, you have the power and the greatest technology in the world to up-level your life and create any reality you want.

So what will you do TODAY to ignite the change that actualizes your creative genius?

Who Is Meaghan Young?

I am a Jeweler, Instructor & Business Educator obsessed with actualizing human potential, luxe lifestyle design, time freedom and wealth building.


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$27 Pricing Course

End the struggle to price your work accurately while leaving money on the table that could be profit. This priceless course saves years of time trying to get it right.

6 Figure Business Model For Jewelry Designers

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