Money As Frequency & Financial Literacy

Recently I was traveling with my son to his lacrosse tournament and we stopped at a market to grab some gatorade for the trip. As we were walking in I saw a young couple over to my left. He was playing the violin and she was holding a large sign asking for help. They had two small children to feed and shelter. They needed a hotel room.

I don’t normally have much cash in my wallet but I had just been to the bank and I decided to grab a 100 bill for the trip.

I thought about this couple the whole time we were in the store. Plus you could hear his violin and he played extremely well.

When we got back into our car, my son and I talked about giving them money, He said he had $20. I remembered all the times in my life that I needed $100 for food and I took that bill from my wallet and handed it to Jack. I told him to go give it to her.

He was a little shocked at first but I told him that we have plenty and this wasn’t always the case and it clearly takes a lot of courage to stand up in front of people and ask for money.

He gave her the bill and we left, but I kept thinking of them as we drove and I said a prayer that they be blessed with the money they need and more.

I thought of the times I had struggled, when I didn’t have a dime to my name and how drastically far I have come from experiencing life and money in that way.

I felt deep gratitude for understanding money and for who I was to have changed my entire experience of it. Money has now become one of my very favorite things to talk about. Learning about money, true abundance and prosperity has shifted all of the previous perceptions I had about money.

What I personally learned is this:

There are two main understandings of money needed to have more of it in life. These are:

  1. Money as frequency

  2. Money as practical tool: Financial literacy

Let’s break these down.

Money as frequency

Money is a neutral energetic frequency. It isn’t good or bad in itself. It is a fluid, flowing current of energy. The beliefs we learn clog our connection to this current and we keep ourselves from receiving it, which causes emotional stress and pain, which then continues the cycle of not receiving.

Beliefs like, I can never get ahead, there’s never enough, money is hard to get and keep, and I have to work hard for it perpetuate a lack, scarcity mindset which creates a frequency of lack.

What we believe shows up in our reality. We can’t access the neutral frequency of money like we should if our perceptions block us from it. Perceptions can be completely transformed and actually removed instantly, though. When we change our beliefs about money, our thoughts and emotions change which then changes our external experience.

So what if we chose to believe that abundance is eternal and money comes from everywhere?

This is a belief and an emotional awareness that keeps that circuit of energy flowing naturally and smoothly because our frequency matches it.

Let’s look at some common perceptions about money and how they can be shifted.

Money doesn’t grow on trees—yes it does. It’s printed out of paper!

Money doesn’t make you happy—yes it does. Try not being able to buy food and see how unhappy you are. When my son handed that 100 bill to that young mother, her face lit up and she smiled. Tell me money doesn’t make a person happier.

Yes a rich person can be unhappy but for other reasons right. If it was all taken away from them, I guarantee they would think back and say I had it all, my life was easy, I should have just been happy with what I had.

A person can have all the money in the world and FEAR losing it, which makes them lose it.

Money does make life easier and happier but ultimately happiness is found within. Abundance is experienced within. Gratefullness expands happiness and abundance within, which then shifts our external reality because of frequency.

In the book, Atomic Habits, the author writes, “I once heard a story about a man who uses a wheelchair. When asked if it was difficult being confined, he responded, ‘I’m not confined to my wheelchair—I am liberated by it. If it wasn't for my wheelchair, I would be bed-bound and never be able to leave my house.’ This shift in perspective completely transformed how he lived each day.”

Do you see how powerful perception is? It becomes a choice. We can choose to believe anything we want. We can believe that money grows on trees. I do.

The number one way to change your frequency around money—Be Grateful for what you have no matter how little or how much—just be grateful every single day for 5 minutes and watch your experience change.

Clear your vibrational relationship with money by changing your perceptions and watch it flow to you.

Secondly: Understand financial literacy.

Lack of financial literacy takes away our power to build wealth and have a secure financial future.

It takes away our sovereignty.

We aren’t taught financial literacy in school so we must learn on our own. We must put the power in our own hands because no one is going to do it for us. Become a free critical thinker and consumer of knowledge and watch your financial story radically change.

Learn how to invest. Learn what SOUND MONEY is. Learn how to pay yourself first. This means you put a portion of your money each time you get payed into investments (not savings—savings will not grow your money.) Sound complicated—STUDY. I’m self taught investor and trader. If I can learn, anyone can.

You might be saying, “But everything I have goes to bills.” Can you find $5? Maybe there is a gym memebership you aren’t using or a latte you can stop getting.

One of my mentors who is now a multimillionaire started investing $5 a month when she was broke and $100,000 in debt. Tony Robbins, a billionaire, used to sleep in his car while working as a janitor. There are no excuses.

This might be triggering, but the truth is we stand in our own way.

Ready for another perception change: “Saving money is often associated with sacrifice. However, you can associate it with freedom rather than limitation if you realize one simple truth: living below your current means increases your future means. The money you save (invest) this month increases your purchasing power next month.” —Atomic Habits

Understand money. Change your world.

I wrote a piece on “How To Build Wealth With Metal & Bitcoin” and in it I share what I learned about sound money and global economics. I also give you several resources to do your own due diligence. I encourage you to read it and continue reading all you can for the rest of your life.

This is how you become financially free.

Bring these two understandings together—money as frequency and financial literacy—and you will become a prosperous, money making machine with unshakable wealth intelligence you pass down through generations. A true sovereign being in this world.

Generational wealth begins with financial literacy.

If you need help identifying your personal money and wealth blocks, I can do it for you. I’m trained as a NeuroCoach to do just that. Come visit me at

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s newsletter and its inspired you to change your money perceptions.

xx Meaghan


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I am a Jeweler, Instructor & Business Educator obsessed with actualizing human potential, luxe lifestyle design, time freedom and wealth building.


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