How Metalsmithing Changes Your Entire Life!

What we desire in life takes us on a journey of who we will become.

When called time and again to learn something new, we must fulfill that desire because it is within us for a reason. It is no small thing.

For example, metalsmithing isn’t only an art or a skill.

It’s the beginning of a long, creative, and fulfilling road that takes us to who we will be and all we do in the future.

It’s a gateway to our entire life moving forward.

Metalsmithing itself opens us to a whole world we didn’t know was possible.

It provides an expansive vision of who we can become.

Let me explain.

Metalsmithing changed the entire trajectory of my life and future. I fell into it by accident.

I had a plan for my life already. I was to study Latin American politics fluent in Spanish and Portuguese as a polemic writer. Yes, this was the path I was on!

But life had other plans for me, which started with the strongest desire to become a silversmith.

I had no where to learn nearby, so I took a roundabout journey across the country, not thinking of where it would lead me.

It led me to become a Jeweler. It led me to business, to understanding money, to never giving up on my dreams, and the desire to impact others.

17 years later I have a business empire. I learned what real sound money is and taught myself how to invest in assets.

I created time freedom and designed a lifestyle of my choosing. I raised my intelligence by consuming knowledge.

I’m now a mentor and coach helping others succeed with proven systems and models.

And I have an obsession for actualizing the highest levels of our human potential.

Can you see that our desires are ours for a reason?

What Metalsmithing opens to us:

  • metal as money and how to build wealth with it

    • sound money holds value and builds + preserves wealth

  • creativity and design

    • leaning into a flow state as we get lost in creating

  • learning a lifelong skill

    • it will always be yours, one you can teach to others if you choose

  • selling designs and creating a profitable business

    • the drive to to sell something you have created and turn it into a career

  • joining a community of creatives

    • being with like minded people…our community is filled with kind, loving, creative people who all seem to deeply love animals and turquoise!

  • bringing joy to others with our work

    • the feeling you get when someone lights up at one of your designs

  • understanding entrepreneurship

    • creativity, innovation, growth, becoming a leader in your community

  • personal develpment

    • the desire to BE MORE, to achieve, up-level, transform and prosper

The lesson: Take action on the burning desire.

Open to what could be by pursuing what you desire. It’s time to pursue what calls you to advance, to fulfill, to be more.

To achieve PROSPERITY:


Or Time Freedom:


Our desires offer us a world of possibilities. It is our responsibility to take action towards them, for no one else will.

But what can stop us from taking action even when the desire is strong? Fear.

I recently had a conversation with a woman who took our online silversmithing course. She purchased all the tools to get started. But she let it sit there for months even though she had the time to work on it and wanted to learn.

She told me it was procrastination that kept her from starting. But it’s never as simple as procrastination or lack of time. It’s what lives behind these explanations that stops us from taking action.

As we spoke further, I identified the dream killing culprit. It was her fear of failing that kept her from starting.

Fear of failing is one of the top 3 issues that keeps us from achieving our dreams, especially for women.

So what can we do about it? Well, I will share how I did it for years and what I have found that works much faster now.

You see, I lived in fear most of my life, but I also always had big dreams and still do. Big dreams and desires force us to look at who we are so we can up-level into the person we want to be.

In the past, whenever I came face to face with my fear, I forced myself to do the thing I was most scared of. I knew what I wanted was on the other side of it.

This didn’t make the fear or my anxiety lessen. I just dealt with it. I experienced it and went through it anyway and yes I grew and felt better on the other side.

I did this for years, just forcing myself to go through it. I tried different modalities and therapies to heal the anxiety until I found what worked.

I studied neuroscience and neuroplasticity to understand how the brain works and how to use it to create what we want.

I found that taking action on our desires, dreams and passions actually fuels our brain. This fuel chemically shifts our brain states to allow us to feel alive, positive, and worthy!

It lights up our neurons, gets us into a flow state, increases adrenaline, and rewards us with dopamine.

These ‘rewards’ are what live on the other side of our fear. We want more and that’s why we keep going, keep up-leveling and moving forward.

It’s the promise of the reward that drives us forward.

But no action towards our desires keeps us stuck, in anxiety, and with massive blocks.

So which pain is worse? The pain of staying stuck for years or the pain of going through the messy, raw parts of ourselves to get to the reward?

The answer is clear for me. I choose to take action toward my desires every single time.

There are practical steps that help and revolutionary technologies now exist that stop fear and anxiety in their tracks. This then eliminates challenges like procrastination and lack of motivation.

Practical steps you can take everyday:

  1. DECIDE what you truly want

  2. CLAIM it for yourself (power)

  3. PRACTICE Gratitude for what you already have and for what you want but haven’t received yet (the unconscious doesn’t know the difference and will give you what you are grateful for)

  4. Be a WARRIOR to your own thoughts by paying attention to what you say to yourself and about life

  5. STOP the repetitive thoughts that create your current reality by unsubscribing to them

  6. Create NEW Foundational thoughts and beliefs to replace the old ones and create a new reality.

  7. Take ACTION steps forward (even 1% of forward movement each day compounds for amazing results)

These steps take a daily recommitment to your dreams and who you want to BE. Who will show up for your dreams if not you?

Advances in neuroscience have given us revolutionary technologies to rapidly and permanently transform deep rooted fears, anxiety and hundreds of other blocks we experience.

We no longer have to spend years figuring it out. We can leap forward in ways not available before.

A client I’m working with now has an amazing dream but her lack of motivation kept her from taking the steps necessary to move toward it. After speaking with her, I identified that she was just tired of doing big things on her own. She believed she was alone. You can imagine how this belief would cause her to procrastinate and keep her in the cycle of feeling alone.

After working with me, she no longer believes she is alone and has the motivation to make her dreams happen.

Her dream started with a desire. Her desire was the gateway. She took action. It brought her to me and now her journey to who she will become continues.

Interestingly, it was her desire to learn metalsmithing that started her journey.

What is the gateway to your entire life moving forward?

For me it was the desire to learn silvermithing which led me to the desire to sell my work.

If you are reading this, my bet is that metalsmithing is yours too.

The lesson: Take action on the burning desire.

— Meaghan


Online classes

Metalsmithing Retreats

In person workshops

Jewelry Business School

Who Is Meaghan Young?

I am a Jeweler, Instructor & Business Educator obsessed with actualizing human potential, luxe lifestyle design, time freedom and wealth building.


Discounts On Tools & Metal

Our partnership with Rio Grande extends to you in order to help you get started as a jewelry maker and metalsmith.

Metalsmithing Retreats

Change your entire life in these week long inspiring, motivational and up-leveling retreats.

$27 Pricing Course

End the struggle to price your work accurately while leaving money on the table that could be profit. This priceless course saves years of time trying to get it right.

6 Figure Business Model For Jewelry Designers

This webinar shows all of the revenue streams available to designers to create a thriving, time freedom business model.


Build Wealth With Precious Metals & Bitcoin.