The Crucial Entrepreneurial Mindset Needed To Succeed.

Have you ever wondered why entrepreneurship is not taught in school?

Entrepreneurs are critical thinking creators, change makers and innovators that create jobs and change society for the better. So wouldn’t it make sense to teach our children to be innovators?

We are also designed to be whole brain individuals and yet most of what is taught in school is done so to the left brain. Why?

Because entrepreneurship requires the complete opposite mindset from what we are taught in school. In school, we learn there is little to no room for failure. Failure doesn’t equal success there.

It’s no wonder, then, that so many people fear failure. We are taught to fear failure, not to embrace it which is required as an Entrepreneur.

We must shift this failure perspective for ourselves and for our children because 90% of succeeding is mindset—growth mindset, success mindset, achievement mindset.


Failing is a natural part of entrepreneurship and that’s why having a strong success mindset is crucial. Not every single thing we create, launch, produce, and share will be successful.

Thomas Edison failed 999 times before creating the light bulb. What if he decided to quit after 10 tries, or 100?

Failing happens and we learn from it, change it or create something new. We keep going, keep creating, launching and sharing because we know we can impact the world with our gifts and innovations.

Failure is just feedback.

Cultivating a positive understanding of failure and sculpting a successful mindset is crucial to being an Entrepreneur.

We can normalize entrepreneurship with:

  • whole brain activation

  • accepting failing as feedback

  • taking imperfect action

  • a rock solid mindset

  • an inspiring personal vision

  • and a strong, motivating WHY.

  • setting goals (for the female brain, these need to be conceptual and abstract with mental flexibility and flow)

Not only does school create the disadvantage of fearing failure, but our brain is naturally wired to be negative AND the brain desires certainty, which entrepreneurship does not offer.

So we now have three forces working against us!

Our brain is naturally wired to be negative based on our primitive brain—the brain stem. It uses the same ancient circuitry for freezing in fear.

It’s where our most primitive, basic instincts operate—like when to run and when to stay. It operates our unconscious behaviors.

Because of this, the primitive brain can hinder us from accessing our human potential. It can hinder us from making decisions or following through with modern ideas.

Many people conduct their lives and react to life and business through the lens of the unconscious, fear freezing brain stem instead of the intellectual brain—the prefrontal cortex, or the CEO brain.

But we can consciously respond and re-evaluate how we are reacting. We can seize power from out brain stem.

Pausing and evaluating our fear of failing instead of unconsciously reacting to it gives the higher intellectual brain the opportunity to make different decisions. It actually reverses blood flow in the brain away from the brain stem into the CEO brain.

This is where we want to operate as individuals, students and unstoppable Entrepreneurs.

As Entrepreneurs we are always doing things outside of our comfort zone because it requires taking risks, failing and facing uncertainty, which activates the emotional brain.

The Limbic system—our emotional brain—is deep in the center of our brain. This is our super power or cause for our demise. If we don’t regulate our emotional brain, it will cause us to operate from those primitive regions because it will hijack the information and energy from the higher brain and we will react from fear.

We must manage our emotional brain so that we can use our emotions to fuel our higher, executive brain and access our human potential.

When we reach our desired goals and move past our fear, we will receive the dopamine that getting where we want and what we want provides and BYPASS the primitive and emotional brain.

It requires a mentally flexible and rock solid success mindset on our evolving journey as an entrepreneur.

Do you see how much control we really have—how much power to create our reality?

So what can we do to create this mindset:

  1. Decide to operate using whole brain activation activities like Mind Mapping. This tool is so incredible and can be used on ANYTHING in your life—a project, program, a marketing strategy, overcoming fear, planning a vacation or retreat, creating a wealth plan—anything at all. It takes all of the overwhelming information that’s all jumbled up in your brain and freezes you from taking action and gets it out and onto a map where it suddenly because doable, certain, and easy to implement. (When I teach this at my retreats and to my private clients, I watch their entire energy, mindset and perception shift in minutes!) Here is an incredible book you can read to start mind mapping.

  2. Use failing as feedback. Shift the failure perspective to that of being normal. Start teaching our children that failing is a natural part of life and when something isn’t working out how we wanted, make changes and do it again and again and again. Keep creating. Keep trying and don’t let anyone derail you from your goals. Analyze what isn’t working and launch it again.

  3. Take imperfect action: This is probably the number one concept taught by business coaches. If you wait for perfection, you will be waiting a very long time and your dream will die with time. Stop over critiquing yourself and your work. Put it out there now by taking action in an imperfect way. This will build confidence and each time you do it, your fear will decrease until it becomes obsolete. Don’t wait. Take action now.

  4. Cultivate a rock solid mindset. Recommit daily to your goals and dreams. Show up every single day for what you want and who you want to BECOME. Start a daily practice that you love that activates a successful mindset. In my newsletter, “Human Potential & The Strive For Greatness, I outline several ways to do just this. Take a look and start cultivating your success mindset today.

  5. An inspiring personal vision: When you have clarity of where you want to go and who you want to BE, you have less of a chance of giving up because it becomes your guidepost, your light house drawing you in. Dream BIG and remember that you get to have everything you want. You are ALLOWED to be whoever you want to be. Change your beliefs about what is accessible to you in this life. Create a vision that inspires you to take ACTION.

  6. A strong, motivating WHY: This is another top concept taught by coaches and consultants. Your why backs up your vision. It fuels you to take action and drives you forward to achieve your big vision. Write it out. Why do you want that vision so badly? Who does it benefit for you to achieve your highest levels of human potential? What kind of impact will your success have on those you love and the rest of humanity? For me, I am obsessed with actualizing human potential in myself and my clients lives because I strive for a prosperous, thriving world for all—a planet full of healed, whole, high achieving, abundant individuals that spreads to all of humanity where high vibrational living is the norm. So what is yours?

  7. Goal setting. Goal setting offsets uncertainty. Drive and doing what we want overrides the fear and threat response from the primitive brain. We can move past fear with goals. Goal setting is different for the male and female brain, though. The female brain needs more abstract, fluid, and conceptual goal setting so that we don’t get overwhelmed and disappointed when we miss exact deadlines. Start from the result and work backwards to determine the steps needed to get there. I have an incredible tool you can use to do this. It’s a short 15 minute video and training you can watch right here. It’s called The Secret Tool.

Yes the entrepreneurial journey can be a roller coaster, requires failing and risk taking, but all of these things can be mitigated and we can prepare ourselves by using the greatest technology on Earth, our brain.

It’s time to start teaching this mindset to our children. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concerns in the US. Isn’t it time we start cultivating strong, unstoppable, success driven, vision inspiring mindsets in ourselves and our youth?

If you struggle with fear and anxiety, please read more of my newsletters and see below for all the ways I can assist you in becoming unstoppable and living a high vibrational life.

xx Meaghan


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Who Is Meaghan Young?

I am a Jeweler, Instructor & Business Educator obsessed with actualizing human potential, luxe lifestyle design, time freedom and wealth building.


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