Visibility In Business Takes Courage & Self-Confidence

Visibility in business starts with how you feel about yourself. It’s about having unbreakable confidence in who you are and how you show up.

But showing up in the world can be one of the greatest challenges of life.

It’s a fight between the warrior within and the scared, small self that wants to stay hidden from the world.

But every single day, every single moment we must get up and WIN at life and business.

We must DECIDE we get to have it all despite the fear.

Face it. Feel it, recognize it and be visible anyway. (Keep reading for specific ways to be visible in business)

This is what it takes—being BRAVE.


This doesn’t mean you won’t feel the rawest, grittiest, most exposed parts of you.

It simply means you have the ability to transform into the most brilliant YOU ever dreamed of and created.

Do this and you will access parts of yourself and life only a few ever do—and visibility becomes easier.

How? Work on your self confidence.

Self Confidence. It’s hard earned.

And on the other side of that part of you that wants to hide.

But it doesn’t matter what happened to you that keeps you small.

It matters what you do NOW.

Will you be stronger than your fear and take hold of the income and life available to you or will you continue to stay small and hidden, keeping your gifts from the world?

Self confidence is hard earned for a reason. It takes courage to put yourself out there in new ways.

It takes courage to take risks and invest in YOU. It takes risk to BE SEEN.

But there comes a time when your dream of the life, business, freedom and fulfilling soul work must push past the desire to stay small.

So which will it be for you?

The world needs your brilliance at its highest level. Let’s bring that to life.

It starts with radical self care.

This means you come first which isn’t always easy when we have relationships, households and families. But it must be done. There’s no negotiating. No one, not even yourself is allowed to alter your ‘I come first’ daily practice.

It’s ok to be selfish with what you need in order to show up as your magnetic self.

How to build your self-confidence:

  • Practice radical self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. Walk, do yoga, meet with happy friends, get a massage—whatever it takes.

  • Set achievable goals and work towards them (for women make your goal conceptual and abstract so it’s fluid—we are different from men)

  • Celebrate your daily successes and focus on your strengths. Be grateful for who you are!

  • Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. If they are few and far between, find us. We are everywhere.

  • Be a warrior to your thoughts. Challenge your negative self-talk and replace it with positive talk. This is how you create new neural pathways that become your norm.

  • Quite time—self reflection

  • Meditation, visualization, quantum work, gratitude practice—uplift yourself however you can

Radical self care must be a daily practice. It’s called a practice for a reason. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Decide what your daily non-negotiables are and don’t let anything or anyone derail them.

This daily journey should never end as we continue to up-level to new heights of ourselves.

I’m working on showing up in a whole new way right now too, as usual. And it starts with getting to a whole new level of confidence within myself, which happens with self care.

I personally:

  • season depending: hike, paddle board, ski or snowshoe out my backyard

  • plus do yoga, walk daily and get on my stationary bike

  • eat healthy + supplements that fuel my life force

  • sleep for many hours each night

  • listen to brainwave technology

  • create my life in the quantum

    For business

  • daily sales activity—calls, texts, emails—I’m always selling

  • post + create content and offers

  • write emails and this newsletter as well as thoughts for future writing

  • read + research daily

  • cash flow management—yes daily


If you are having a hard time getting yourself to start something, I highly suggest reading Atomic Habits. It helped me do the thing I’ve been trying to do for two years—ride my stationary bike.

Clear explains to bring together the habit you want to start with something else that FEELS like a REWARD. (The brain thrives on reward. Rewards light up our neurons and get us excited and happy to receive them.) It’s best to pair the new habit with getting the reward at the same time that you are doing the new thing.

For example, my secret and guilty pleasure is binge watching shows. Netflix, Prime, HBO, Apple I’ve got them all lol. Even though I could watch during the weekdays, I don’t let myself because—well a girl has to have her own boundaries and I have an empire to run and a life to enjoy.

After reading Atomic Habits, though, I asked myself what I could possibly pair with riding my bike that would REWARD my brain in such a way that I would actually ride.

And it came to me—I can watch my shows as I’m riding which means I get to watch during the day! This is mind blowing stuff right?! (probably why he named it Atomic) For me it was and guess what? I dusted my bike off and I’m riding every single day. I even get excited about it because my neurons light up when I think about it.

This might seem like a funny example—as I’ve revealed my guilty pleasure to the world—but do you see how pairing two things together sparks the new wanted habit into existence?

Apply this to your own life. What activities can you pair together that will get you doing the habit you need or want?

Want to start walking and also love audio books?—walk (new habit) while listening to your favorite book (reward)

Want to invest and save but love to spend money too?—make a transfer into your investments (new habit) and then buy yourself something you’ve really been wanting (reward)

There are other super great examples in Atomic Habits on how to create new habits so definitely check it out.

Ok, so now that you know how to build self-confidence with radical self care.

It’s time to SHOW UP.

It’s time to be visible in your business.

There are several ways to be visible in business:

  • Social media: Maintaining an active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just put it out there! Put perfectionism aside and just go for it.

  • Search engine optimization: Optimizing your website for search engines. If you are making jewelry—what is unique about it, do you have a niche, do you use a certain type of turquoise or method of creating? Be unique.

  • Networking: Attending events, meet-ups, conferences, and trade shows can help you connect with potential customers and partners. Do a search in your area and see how you can show up. You will have the confidence to go because you’ve been working on yourself!

  • Content creation: Creating valuable content like blog posts or videos can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry. (If you are afraid of video, check out Marley Jaxx!) Always use a call to action like click this link, comment below, message me directly. Take a look at last week’s newsletter, “Sell With Authenticity + An Expanded Vision.” It’s a good one!

  • Branding: Developing a strong brand identity can help your business stand out and become more recognizable to your dream clients. Again, read the above newsletter to help you. Branding is how your message connects with your dream client and gives them the result they want.

It doesn’t matter if you post and only a few like it. Someone is reading. People tell me all the time that they’ve been following me for two years, that they have read every single post, read every email, watched every video and they are now ready to work with me. They never ‘liked’ my posts.

Calls to action:

  1. BE BRAVE.

  2. Put a list together of your daily non negotiables for self care + lighting up your neurons AND another list of how you will be visible in your business each day.

This is how it’s done. This is how you change your life, show up and get in front of your dream clients. This is exactly how I did it even when I was scared—and I’m still doing it.

You can too.

If you need some extra help, reach out. I am a Mentor. Here is my personal website.

Here is to your radical self care, self confidence and being visible!

Until next time,

xx Meaghan


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Who Is Meaghan Young?

I am a Jeweler, Instructor & Business Educator obsessed with actualizing human potential, luxe lifestyle design, time freedom and wealth building.


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