MARKETING…Create Content & Copy That Connects & Inspires!

How do you market yourself in a Sexy, Savvy, Badass way?

By using cutting edge, ‘‘evergreen’’, digital marketing techniques and strategies!

You san spend thousands outsourcing your marketing, or worse yet, waiting until you have the money to invest in a Marketing Strategist…OR…you can empower yourself by LEARNING how to become your own Strategist, a skill you will then have forever, which is exactly what “evergreen” means!

Yes time and energy need to be invested, but business is about taking ACTION. Even small action steps will move your business forward, and if you believe in yourself and in your DREAM, things just happen, so why wait? You can start NOW or you can keep putting it off, all the while sacrificing your business and lifestyle DREAMS for someday.

It’s time to put your business and life dreams FIRST! Whatever action step that requires, take it and take it now. If you don’t know what the step is for you….ASK! Ask for guidance, ask for the step to be shown to you and TRUST that it will appear. Ok?

Ok, back onto marketing!

It is vital to be consistent in marketing your brand. That’s why in this module I teach you just that as well as how to batch and schedule your content, how to create the most amazing email sequencing AND I show you the 2 most important things that are necessary for every single piece of content that you make!

I introduce you to “evergreen” strategies, a marketing book that you will read as long as you are in business and an amazing FREE scheduling platform!

So what are you waiting for? Dive into Jewelry Business School and learn how to market like a badass.

You can also sign up for a FREE 2 part video series on how to beat the overwhelm of starting a business, my personal business breakdown and more right here.

Take that action step today. You will be so glad you did!
